The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge is Fundraising Made Easy! Let me explain...
There is always a NEED for fundraising - whether for a school, sports team, dance club, camp, charity or any organization in need of funding for their cause. And yes, money can be raised by simply requesting donations, selling baked goods, plants, and various products. But, as a parent who has seen the need for funding for my children's activities (sports & school), as well and other community initiatives & causes (charities), and in speaking with parent volunteers who want to help out with fundraising, but sometimes don't know which fundraisers to choose or support, I wanted to be able to help out in a truly meaningful way, and make the process of fundraising EASY!
This means providing a fundraiser that is hassle-free & risk-free for the fundraising organizer to set up and start, and for the fundraising participants to support!
I wanted to provide a fundraising opportunity that would have multiple benefits including:
1. Easily generating cash for your cause, with the opportunity to scale your earnings without worrying about anything physical to have to ship or deliver or store or that has a limited shelf life!
2. A fundraiser in which you can set a realistic goal of how much money you will earn for your cause, know exactly when you will be paid, and complete the fundraiser in a limited time (so that the fundraiser does not drag on; no no no! you will promote it, sell it, and get your funding quickly!).
3. Allowing, even the busiest of fundraising participants e.g. parents, to feel that they can meaningfully contribute to a fundraiser without investing a lot of time and energy to support the fundraiser.
4. A "no-brainer, turnkey" fundraising choice for fundraising organizers to execute and for fundraising participants to support!
5. A headache-free fundraising set up process for fundraising organizers and a user-friendly registration process for the fundraising participants.
6. Encouraging both adults and youth to participate in the fundraiser. CardiacCrash offers CPR training for kids starting at age 11. Kids can also participate in Lifesaving School For Parents - for example, this is perfect for new babysitters! This fundraiser covers CPR training to save a baby, a child and an adult's life - every age is covered!
7. Enabling everyone to spend more time with their loved ones, because of the confidence and knowledge gained from learning lifesaving skills - this fundraiser is not only easy to support, but is educational & lifesaving!
8. A fundraiser in which you are cheered on and supported! Need support or help or have questions! No problem! Simply email [email protected].
I wanted it to be a win-win! A win for the fundraiser with a stress-free fundraiser, and a win for the fundraising participants, who would learn critical lifesaving skills, which in turn would create safer communities and save more lives, as well as supporting their cause in a meaningful way with a low time commitment.
And just a side-note to all the parents reading this (as I know many of you are parents). In my opinion (as a Mom of 2 boys), selling donuts to raise funds for your cause for example, is sometimes necessary if that's one of only a few fundraising options available to you (I get, sometimes you just need to get the job done), but when you have a turnkey fundraising, option that is NOT FULL OF SUGAR, but instead is educational, impactful and acts as a "role model" fundraiser, by teaching kids & parents important life skills, that can save your loved ones life, the decision to choose this fundraiser to generate cash for your cause becomes a no-brainer!
So this is what the "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge is all about! The more lives you and your community learn to save, the more funds that will be raised for your cause. Simply encourage your friends, family and community to learn lifesaving skills, by joining The CardiacCrash Experience and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds will go towards your fundraiser.
It's that easy! Now that's impactful! Are you in? Awesome! It's time to set up or patriciate in The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge.
NOTE 1: A lot of thought went into carefully designing the fundraising registration, so that you can easily sign up with confidence! If you need support or you have feedback about how the sign up process can be made even better, please email [email protected].
NOTE 2: Before signing up for this fundraiser, ensure you learn about the 2 offerings available for Learning & Earning cash for your cause which include:
1.The CardiacCrash Experience - learn about it HERE
2. Lifesaving School For Parents - learn about it HERE
Happy Fundraising!
Please share this lifesaving fundraiser with potential fundraising organizers and participants!
Everything you need to know about the fundraiser is HERE