The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge
Summary Of The 8 Spread The Word Fundraiser Email Templates:
Email 1: Pre-Fundraiser Introduction (1 week before launch)
Email 2: Fundraiser Launch (launch day - week 1)
Email 3 & 4: Fundraiser Reminder To Participants (weeks 2 & 3)
Email 5: Fundraiser Ending This Week (week 4)
Email 6: Fundraiser Ending Tomorrow (week 4)
Email 7: Fundraiser Ending Today - Final Reminder! (week 4)
Email 8: Post-Fundraiser Thank You For Participating (the week after the fundraiser ends, or anytime after it ends)
Follow These 8 Instructions For Each Of Your 8 Emails:
1. Copy & paste the template into a new email.
2. Delete any spaces at the top of the email (this ensures the first sentence will be previewed).
3. Input the subject line; the email title is important to get noticed and opened! (be sure to include the emojis! ❤️ 💲).
4. Edit and delete everything in PURPLE.
- When detailing the CardiacCrash sessions, ensure that you include all of the session dates & times that you reserved. The example in the email templates has 4 sessions; customize this accordingly by adding or deleting sessions.
- For the session names, ensure your title them correctly:
- CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person
- CardiacCrash Chantal Virtual
- CardiacCrash Monica In-Person
- CardiacCrash Monica Virtual
- Below the CardiacCrash session listings, you will see optional text. Determine if you should keep or delete accordingly.
- Streamline Tip (To Make Your Life Easier!): Once you have input the CardiacCrash session details into Email 2, you can simply copy & paste this entire section into the subsequent emails.
5. Test links to ensure they are working:
- There are 2 links in every email (they are the same). When you send yourself a test email, be sure to click on them to ensure they're linking properly. This link should go to the main fundraising page:
6. Remove Forward/Fwd text in the email body and subject line (this can when sending yourself a test email).
7. Proofread after customizing the email, by sending yourself a test email to review.
8. Follow the 26-Day Fundraiser Schedule for When To Send My 8 Emails: Click HERE.
Email 1: Pre-Fundraiser Introduction (1 week before launch)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 Save A Loved One & Earn Cash! Are YOU In?
3 Questions For YOU...
1. Do you have a loved one? (seriously, do you have a child, a spouse, a parent, a grandparent or a sibling that you love?)
2. Are you busy?
3. If you found your child, your parent, or even a stranger (who is someone else's loved one), unresponsive TODAY, would you likely hesitate, freeze, or panic, instead of quickly and confidently jumping into action to perform CPR and use an AED to save their life?
If you answered YES to 2 or more of these questions, then The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-
X (YOUR SCHOOL) is participating in this challenge, and we need YOUR help! Together, we can Learn & Earn, so that you can spend more time with your loved ones (because you knew how to save their life), and earn funds for our fundraiser, and accomplish this in as little as 1 hour (even if you're busy, you can find just an hour to help!). But, even if you can't find an hour, you can register your child or encourage others to participate, or you can even "gift" a lifesaving program - there's lots of options to provide support!
This fundraiser will support X (YOUR FUNDRAISING INITIATIVE OR INITIATIVES e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
So how does it work?
Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser! It's that easy! Kids, teens & adults can participate!
This is NOT a typical CPR class! This is new and exciting! Research shows that this new way of training increases the chances of bystanders actually having the confidence to take action when an emergency strikes, to save a loved one! Right now, more than 80% of the general public would freeze, or panic, and not be confident with their lifesaving skills in a cardiac emergency; it's time to change this!
Curiosity Peaked? Perfect!
Let's get into a few of the details...
1) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Launch Day: X (YOUR START DATE) End Date: X (YOUR END DATE)
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for your cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
2) Learn about our challenge at
I'll check in with you on launch day, after you've had time to learn about the challenge, to confirm that you're in, and to provide further details, including our CardiacCrash session dates.
Get ready to Learn & Earn, and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is to learn about our Limited Time "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-
Email 2: Fundraiser Launch (launch day - week 1)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 It's Launch Day! OPEN NOW To Save Your Loved Ones' Life!
X (YOUR SCHOOL) is pleased to be participating in this Fundraising Challenge. We need YOUR help!
I'm following up on my previous email to ask... Are You In? Awesome!
This is what you need to know about our Fundraising Challenge, including our CardiacCrash ses
1) How does this Fundraising Challenge work?
- Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser!
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- It supports X (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
3) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Launch Day: X (YOUR START DATE) End Date: X (YOUR END DATE)
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for our cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
4) Our CardiacCrash Dates (you'll require this to sign up):
Remember: Spots Are Limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 1 hour.
SESSION 1: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 10 am)
SESSION 2: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 11:45 am)
SESSION 3: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 1:30 pm)
SESSION 4: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Monica Virtual)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Nov 3)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 5:30 pm)
For CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person sessions offered at a school, participants can sign up for ANY Date & Time, as the school will organize which students will attend which sessions, once all of the registrations have been completed. (***OPTIONAL TEXT: INCLUDE THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERING AN IN-PERSON CHANTAL SESSION FOR A SCHOOL. IF USING, CHANGE TEXT TO BLACK, IF NOT USING, DELETE)
5) Apply Your Special Discount!
- When joining Lifesaving School For Parents - be sure to use code SAVE at check out to receive a 40% discount (this is only available for fundraising participants during your 26-day fundraiser).
6) Learn about our challenge at
I'll check in with you next week to see if you've had a chance to sign up!
It's time to Learn & Earn! Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is to learn about and join our Limited Time "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-
Email 3: Fundraiser Reminder To Participants (weeks 2)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 YOU NEED This ONE Thing To Save Your Loved One's Life!
The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge will give YOU the ONE thing you need to save your loved one's life! Do you know what it is? Confidence!
X (YOUR SCHOOL) is pleased to be participating in this Fundraising Challenge. It will help to generate cash for our cause, and it will give YOU Lifesaving Confidence! So that, when an emergency strikes with your loved one, you will NEVER have to say "If ONLY I Knew!". Studies indicate that you are more likely to use lifesaving skills on a loved one, than anyone else, so this means the risk of losing your loved one is high if YOU are NOT prepared!
By supporting this fundraiser, you will become a part of the new generation of lifesavers, who say "No" to freezing & panicking, and "Yes" to taking quick action calmly & confidently in an emergency to save your loved one. This is called the "I-CAN-SAVE-A-LIFE" movement!
So with that said, I'm checking in, to see if you've registered yourself and/or others for The CardiacCrash Experience,or if you have joined (or gifted) Lifesaving School For Parents?
Pat yourself on your back if you have, and if you haven't yet, I urge you to check out The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVE" Fundraising Challenge, so that you and your network can Learn & Earn, and work towards joining the "I-CAN-SAVE-A-LIFE" movement! I hope you accept this challenge!
As a reminder, this is what you need to know about our Fundraising Challenge:
1) How does this Fundraising Challenge work?
- Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser!
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- This fundraiser will help X (YOUR SCHOOL), raise funds for (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- It supports X (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
3) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Launch Day: X (YOUR START DATE) End Date: X (YOUR END DATE)
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for our cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
4) Our CardiacCrash Dates (you'll require this to sign up):
Remember: Spots Are Limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 1 hour.
SESSION 1: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 10 am)
SESSION 2: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 11:45 am)
SESSION 3: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 1:30 pm)
SESSION 4: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Monica Virtual)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Nov 3)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 5:30 pm)
For CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person sessions offered at a school, participants can sign up for ANY Date & Time, as the school will organize which students will attend which sessions, once all of the registrations have been completed. (***OPTIONAL TEXT: INCLUDE THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERING AN IN-PERSON CHANTAL SESSION FOR A SCHOOL. IF USING, CHANGE TEXT TO BLACK, IF NOT USING, DELETE)
5) Apply Your Special Discount!
- When joining Lifesaving School For Parents - be sure to use code SAVE at check out to receive a 40% discount (this is only available for fundraising participants during your 26-day fundraiser).
6) Learn about our challenge at
I'll check in with you next week to see if you've had a chance to sign up!
It's time to Learn & Earn! Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is to learn about and join our Limited Time "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-
Email 4: Fundraiser Reminder To Participants (weeks 3)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 I'm busy, I'm tired, I love my family, I'm NOT prepared for an emergency! YOU NEED THIS...
The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge was designed for YOU!
If you're tired, busy and you love your family, but you're NOT prepared for an emergency, then you NEED to participate in this Fundraising Challenge!
Judy, The Lifesaving Coach, has been teaching Lifesaving Skills for over 25 years, and she has heard all of the excuses! I'm too busy, I'm too tired, I'll get to this later, I don't have the money right now and I'm not capable of saving a life, these are just a few of the excuses that commonly prevent people from knowing and remembering lifesaving skills. But the truth is, if it's important, you'll find the time (and the money), if it's not, you'll find an excuse! The intention of this fundraiser is to stomp all over your excuses, and make Learning & Earning Easy, so that you have NO REGRETS! (Because you love your family so much - and they are worth your time and your investment to know & remember lifesaving skills).
So with that said, I'm checking in, to see if you have registered yourself and/or others for The CardiacCrash Experience, or if you have joined (or gifted) Lifesaving School For Parents?
Pat yourself on your back if you have, and if you haven't yet, I urge you to check out The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVE" Fundraising Challenge, so that you and your network can Learn & Earn, and work towards joining the "I-CAN-SAVE-A-LIFE" movement! I hope you accept this challenge!
As a reminder, this is the information you need to know about our Fundraising Challenge:
1) How does this Fundraising Challenge work?
- Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser!
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- This fundraiser will help X (YOUR SCHOOL), raise funds for (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
3) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Launch Day: X (YOUR START DATE) End Date: X (YOUR END DATE)
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for our cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
4) Our CardiacCrash Dates (you'll require this to sign up):
Remember: Spots Are Limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 1 hour.
SESSION 1: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 10 am)
SESSION 2: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 11:45 am)
SESSION 3: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 1:30 pm)
SESSION 4: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Monica Virtual)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Nov 3)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 5:30 pm)
For CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person sessions offered at a school, participants can sign up for ANY Date & Time, as the school will organize which students will attend which sessions, once all of the registrations have been completed. (***OPTIONAL TEXT: INCLUDE THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERING AN IN-PERSON CHANTAL SESSION FOR A SCHOOL. IF USING, CHANGE TEXT TO BLACK, IF NOT USING, DELETE)
5) Apply Your Special Discount!
- When joining Lifesaving School For Parents - be sure to use code SAVE at check out to receive a 40% discount (this is only available for fundraising participants during your 26-day fundraiser).
6) Learn about our challenge at
I'll check in with you next week to see if you've had a chance to sign up!
It's time to Learn & Earn! Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is to learn about and join our Limited Time "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-
Email 5: Fundraiser Ending This Week (week 4)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 One Week Left To Join!
The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge will expire soon...
!!! Time is running out, so it's time to crush your excuses (and procrastination), and take action! This is your LAST WEEK to sign up! Here's your next steps:
1. Lifesaving School For Parents includes lifetime access, so that you get through the school on your schedule! Join or gift it now, to Regret-Proof Parenthood! (Oh and don't forget there's a 30-day money back guarantee - so it's a no-brainer!).
2. Grab the final spots left in the CardiacCrash sessions. This is NOT available outside of this fundraiser, so don't miss out! (Oh and if you haven't already, check out the 2 trailers - they're pretty awesome! You'll find these videos by clicking the link provided below).
So, what are you waiting for? In addition to FOMO, your loved one's life is depending on YOUR ACTIONS! Jump Into The Challenge Now, Before It's Too Late!
As a reminder, this is what you need to know about our Fundraising Challenge:
1) How does this Fundraising Challenge work?
- Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser!
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- This fundraiser will help X (YOUR SCHOOL), raise funds for (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
3) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Our Fundraising Challenge Expires This Week! End Date: X (YOUR END DATE)
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for our cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
4) Our CardiacCrash Dates (you'll require this to sign up):
Remember: Spots Are Limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 1 hour.
SESSION 1: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 10 am)
SESSION 2: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 11:45 am)
SESSION 3: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 1:30 pm)
SESSION 4: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Monica Virtual)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Nov 3)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 5:30 pm)
For CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person sessions offered at a school, participants can sign up for ANY Date & Time, as the school will organize which students will attend which sessions, once all of the registrations have been completed. (***OPTIONAL TEXT: INCLUDE THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERING AN IN-PERSON CHANTAL SESSION FOR A SCHOOL. IF USING, CHANGE TEXT TO BLACK, IF NOT USING, DELETE)
5) Apply Your Special Discount!
- When joining Lifesaving School For Parents - be sure to use code SAVE at check out to receive a 40% discount (this is only available for fundraising participants during your 26-day fundraiser).
6) Learn about our challenge at
Don't miss your chance to Learn & Earn! Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is you are running out of time to join our "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-
Email 6: Fundraiser Ending Tomorrow (week 4)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 I Saved A Child's Life, Because Her Mom Froze! (Challenge Ends Tomorrow!)
The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge Ends Tomorrow at 11:59 pm EST...
And I don't want you to miss out, because I don't want you to make the same mistake a Mom made at Costco, when she was faced with an emergency in the parking lot, and she froze and panicked and didn't know how to save her little girl's life!
This is just one of the story's you'll learn about when you click on the link below and join our fundraising challenge. And this is the mistake you will learn to avoid!
!!! There isn't much time left to join and avoid FOMO! But most importantly, time is running out to:
- Gain the confidence to save your son's life if you found him unresponsive in your pool.
- Gain the confidence to save your mother's life if you found her unresponsive in her living room.
- Gain the confidence to save a stranger's life if you found them unresponsive in the grocery store, and then have their loved ones thank you for being their hero.
This fundraiser is not about your time or your money, it's about Love and spending more time with your Loved Ones. Money can always be replenished, but time with your loved ones cannot!
The choice is yours... but make it quickly!
As a reminder, this is what you need to know about our Fundraising Challenge:
1) How does this Fundraising Challenge work?
- Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser!
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- This fundraiser will help X (YOUR SCHOOL), raise funds for (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
3) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Our Fundraising Challenge Expires TOMORROW at 11:59 pm EST!
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for our cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
4) Our CardiacCrash Dates (you'll require this to sign up):
Remember: Spots Are Limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 1 hour.
SESSION 1: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 10 am)
SESSION 2: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 11:45 am)
SESSION 3: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 1:30 pm)
SESSION 4: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Monica Virtual)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Nov 3)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 5:30 pm)
For CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person sessions offered at a school, participants can sign up for ANY Date & Time, as the school will organize which students will attend which sessions, once all of the registrations have been completed. (***OPTIONAL TEXT: INCLUDE THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERING AN IN-PERSON CHANTAL SESSION FOR A SCHOOL. IF USING, CHANGE TEXT TO BLACK, IF NOT USING, DELETE)
5) Apply Your Special Discount!
- When joining Lifesaving School For Parents - be sure to use code SAVE at check out to receive a 40% discount (this is only available for fundraising participants during your 26-day fundraiser).
6) Learn about our challenge at
Don't miss your chance to Learn & Earn!
Thank you!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is that TOMORROW is the LAST DAY to join The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge at
Email 7: Fundraiser Ending Today - Final Reminder! (week 4)
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 Expiring Today! Last Chance To Join Our Fundraising Challenge & Save Lives! Avoid FOMO!
!!! This is your final call to join and avoid FOMO! But most importantly, time is running out to:
- Not have to give up those amazing hugs from your daughter!
- Not have to give up laughter with your Mom and the taste of her spaghetti sauce!
- Not have to give up date nights with your handsome, funny hubby!
This fundraiser is not about your time or your money, it's about Love and spending more time with your Loved Ones. Money can always be replenished, but time with your loved ones cannot!
The choice is yours... but make it quickly!
As a final reminder, this is what you need to know about our Fundraising Challenge:
1) How does this Fundraising Challenge work?
- Learn & Earn! Learn by joining CardiacCrash and/or Lifesaving School For Parents, and a portion of the proceeds Earned, will go towards our fundraiser!
2) What does this Fundraising Challenge Support:
- This fundraiser will help X (YOUR SCHOOL), raise funds for (YOUR INITIATIVE(S) e.g. technology, classroom/yard/school enhancements, learning resources, student assistance, school trips, events, graduation ceremony, snack program, guest speakers etc.).
3) Our 26-Day Fundraising Dates:
- Our Fundraising Challenge Expires TODAY at 11:59 pm EST!
- You must sign up for the lifesaving programs before the end date to earn cash for our cause, but your learning can take place after the end date.
4) Our CardiacCrash Dates (you'll require this to sign up):
Remember: Spots Are Limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 1 hour.
SESSION 1: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 10 am)
SESSION 2: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 11:45 am)
SESSION 3: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Oct 22)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g 1:30 pm)
SESSION 4: X (YOUR SESSION e.g. CardiacCrash Monica Virtual)
Date: X (YOUR DATE e.g. Nov 3)
Time: X (YOUR TIME e.g. 5:30 pm)
For CardiacCrash Chantal In-Person sessions offered at a school, participants can sign up for ANY Date & Time, as the school will organize which students will attend which sessions, once all of the registrations have been completed. (***OPTIONAL TEXT: INCLUDE THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERING AN IN-PERSON CHANTAL SESSION FOR A SCHOOL. IF USING, CHANGE TEXT TO BLACK, IF NOT USING, DELETE)
5) Apply Your Special Discount!
- When joining Lifesaving School For Parents - be sure to use code SAVE at check out to receive a 40% discount (this is only available for fundraising participants during your 26-day fundraiser).
6) Learn about our challenge at
Don't miss your chance to Learn & Earn!
Thank you!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is that TODAY is the LAST DAY to join The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES" Fundraising Challenge at
Email 8: Post-Fundraiser - Thank You For Your Support
SUBJECT LINE: ❤️ 💲 Your Support Earned Money While Saving Lives!
"I-CAN-SAVE-A-LIFE" is no longer just a concept or a thought, it's a Movement because of YOU! You are now a part of this Lifesaving Confidence Movement! Together, we are building a new generation of lifesavers!
Because you, your families, your friends and your community participated in The "EARN-MONEY-WHILE-SAVING-LIVES
You made the time to accept this challenge, which resulted in earning much needed funds for our fundraiser, but more importantly, your help will stop preventable tragedies, which will allow us to spend more time with our loved ones. And this is what matters most!
So thank you for Learning & Earning, and encouraging others to participate, in order to arm ourselves with lifesaving skills, to make our communities safer and our lives happier!
Please continue to share this Fundraising Challenge, so that more schools, sports teams, clubs, and charities can raise funds, and be prepared to save a life!
Your feedback is important. To continuously enhance this Fundraising Challenge, share your feedback or provide a testimonial to encourage others to join, by emailing: [email protected].
You have made a positive impact, and your support is much appreciated!
Fundraising Organizer
P.S. The main take-away is thank you for your support and please share